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معرفی نرم افزار Hotdoor CADtools


Hotdoor CADtools 6.0 for Adobe Illustrator

Cut corners at high speeds! Draw in any scale, edit and dimension artwork with a mouse click, and numerically control s or points. Click and drag with CADtools 6 to make design work easy and elegant right inside Adobe Illustrator. CADtools 6 pairs perfectly with Illustrator CS4 which has increased its technical appeal with improved Smart Guides, alignment control, and multiple artboards. Go the distance with CADtools 6 - fueling designers for 11 years.

* New features in CADtools 6:
* CS4 compatibility
* Scale calculator in the CADdocument panel - use a selected "s dimensions to create a custom or "best fit" scale and resize artwork
* Proportion tool - resize an to another "s dimensions
* Measure distance tool - automatically determine distance by clicking and dragging between any two points