گروه خدمات فنی مهندسی رهگشافن

معرفی نرم افزار CLC Main Workbench

CLC Main Workbench 5.5

CLC Main Workbench creates a software environment enabling users to make a large number of advanced DNA, RNA, and protein sequence analyses, combined with gene expression analysis, smooth data management, and excellent graphical viewing and output options. 

* Support for both microarray- and sequencing-based (RNA-Seq) expression data
* Visualization: Interactive heat map, table and scatter plot views
* Transformation and normalization tools
* Quality control tools including principal component analysis, MA- and boxplots
* Experimental design tools for two- or multiple group comparisons
* T-tests and ANOVA analysis with support for paired/repeated measures
* Multiple testing corrected p-values (Bonferroni and/or FDR)
* Clustering algorithms: hierarchical clustering, k-means and Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) with support for various distance and linkage measures.
* Ability to import NetAffx annotation arrays and adding annotation to experiments
* Tools for Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) and for Hyper-Geometric based tests for overrepresented annotation categories (e.g. "GO"stats or specific protein pathways).
* Ability to work with Expression Arrays and RNA-seq results at the same time, enabling comparison of results