گروه خدمات فنی مهندسی رهگشافن

معرفی نرم افزار BUW SmartOptics

BUW SmartOptics 5.0

With SmartOptics you can simulate the optical pathes directly in the Pro/ENGINEER assembly modus. Define the properties of the parts or surfaces (i.e. refraction index, mirror property) in a user friendly graphical user interface. By a simply mouseclick SmartOptics computes the resulting optical pathes and show them directly in the Pro/ENGINEER graphic window. This functionality is not restricted to simple geometrical base elements, so even the optical behaviour of parts/lenses with free-form surfaces can be calculated.

The following optical properties are considered:

* reflection
* refraction
* total reflectance
* diffused light
* lost of intensity 

The resulting optical path can be displayed in different ways:

* graphically in the Pro/ENGINEER window
* as datum curves
* hit points on end surfaces as datum points
* output in textfiles 

Typical applications for SmartOptics are:

* construction of optical components like lenses and mirrors
* determination of discontinuities in optical assemblies
* inspection of the field of vision
* calculation/visiualization of luminosity