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معرفی نرم افزار ASW Statistics

PASW Statistics 18

Predictive Analytics SoftWare (PASW) Statistics 18 (formerly SPSS Statistics) puts the power of advanced statistical analysis in your hands. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced statistician, its comprehensive set of tools will meet your needs.

Improved Research Tools

* Codebook procedure (PASW Statistics Base)
* Improved Syntax Editor (PASW Statistics Base)
* Multiple Imputation for missing values (PASW Missing Values)
* Nearest Neighbor analysis (PASW Statistics Base)
* Improved Categorical Regression Predictions Within CATREG (PASW Categories)
* Median Function and Lead Function to COMPUTE and Lead to IF (PASW Statistics Base)
* Aggressive Versus Conservative Rounding in COMPUTE (PASW Statistics Base)
* Extend PASW Statistics" Spell-Check Capabilities to Include Text Strings in Data (PASW Statistics Base)

Improved Reporting Tools

* More Control Over Output When Exporting to Microsoft Office (PASW Statistics Base)
* Improved Visualization Capabilities with Graphboard (PASW Statistics Base)
* iGRAPH Conversion Utility (PASW Statistics Base)

More Accessible to Generalists and Business Users

* PASW EZ RFM for Recency, Frequency and Monetary Analysis (New add-on)