سفارش تبلیغ
صبا ویژن

گروه خدمات فنی مهندسی رهگشافن

معرفی نرم افزار WaSP \ WaSP Map Editor

WaSP \ WaSP Map Editor 9.1


WAsP is a PC-program for the vertical and horizontal extrapolation of wind climate statistics.

It contains several physical models to describe the wind flow over different terrains and close to sheltering obstacles. WAsP is an implementation of the so-called wind atlas methodology, which may be summarised as follows:


  • time-series of wind speed and direction —> observed wind climate (OWC)
  • observed wind climate + site deion —> regional wind climate (wind atlas data sets)
  • regional wind climate + site deion —> predicted wind climate (PWC)
  • predicted wind climate + power curve —> annual energy production (AEP) of wind turbine
Wind farm production
  • predicted wind climates + WTG characteristics + wind farm layout —> wind farm wake losses
  • annual energy productions + wake losses —> net annual energy production of entire wind farm
more info @http://www.wasp.dk/Products/Index.htm