گروه خدمات فنی مهندسی رهگشافن

معرفی نرم افزار Zona Zaero

Zona Zaero 8.2 

A Unified Aerodynamic Influence Coefficient (UAIC) matrix scheme allows for flutter, static aeroelastic and aeroservoelastic analyses to be performed in subsonic, transonic, supersonic, and hypersonic Mach numbers. A high fidelity geometry package provides for easy modeling of complex aircraft configurations that can include fuselage, stores, engine inlets, etc. Built-in spline methods establish accurate interfacing between structural FEA and aerodynamic models. Structural modal results are directly imported from other commercial FEA codes. ZAERO"s modal importer currently supports numerous FEA codes including MSC.Nastran, UAI Nastran, CSA Nastran, NE Nastran, ASTROS, I-DEAS, ELFINI, Genesis, and a free-formatted input for use by any other FEA software. Versatile graphic output capability allows for viewing of all facets of the aeroelastic analysis and design process using a host of commercially available graphic software packages. ZAERO is a professional software engineering tool that can efficiently solve your most demanding industrial aeroelastic and aeroservoelastic problems.

The ZAERO software system is a powerful engineering tool that integrates all essential disciplines required for advanced aeroelastic design and analysis. ZAERO supports the following engineering disciplines:
* Flutter
* Parametric Flutter for Aircraft with Stores
* Non-Linear Flutter
* Aeroservoelasticity
* Transient Gust Loads
* Transient Maneuver Loads
* Transient Ejection Loads
* Trim Loads