معرفی نرم افزار Crystal Impact Match
Crystal Impact Match! 1.9a
Match! is an easy-to-use software for phase identification from powder diffraction data, which has become a daily task in material scientists work. Match! compares the powder diffraction pattern of your sample to a database containing reference patterns in order to identify the phases which are present. Single as well as multiple phases can be identified based on both peak data and raw (profile) data. The portable app is packaged with AMCSD, COD, and IUCr reference pattern databases (which contain more than 75000 entries in total). You can also create your own database. The user database patterns can be edited manually, imported from peak files, calculated from crystal structure data (e.g. CIF files), or imported from your colleague"s user database.
Supported diffraction data file formats (automatic detection):
ASCII profile (start, step, intensities or 2 columns)
Bruker/Siemens raw data (old and new) (*.raw)
Bruker/Siemens DIFFRAC AT peak data (*.dif)
DBWS (*.rfl, *.dat)
ENDEAVOUR peak list (2 columns: 2theta/d intensity; *.dif)
Inel raw data (*.dat)
Ital Structures raw data (*.esg)
Jade/MDI/SCINTAG raw data (*.mdi)
JEOL ASCII Export raw data (*.txt)
PANalytical XRDML Scan raw data (*.xrdml)
PANalytical/Philips peak data (*.udi)
PANalytical/Philips raw data (*.rd, *.udf)
Rigaku raw data (*.raw)
SCINTAG raw data (*.raw, *.rd)
Shimadzu raw data (*.raw)
Siemens (*.uxd)
Sietronics XRD scan data (*.cpi)
Stoe raw data (*.raw)
Stoe peak data (*.pks)