گروه خدمات فنی مهندسی رهگشافن

معرفی نرم افزار Capvidia 3DTransVidia


Capvidia 3DTransVidia V2009 - x86, x64

3DTransVidia (TESIS developer company, Russia) - software package for the broadcast of three-dimensional geometric models between various CAD / CAE / CAM-systems with the possibility of diagnosing and correcting the detected errors.

3DTransVidia combines the following processes:
reading of three-dimensional model in any format (IGES, VDA-FS, VRML, STL, Parasolid, ACIS, Catia, Pro / E, UG, etc.)
Diagnosis Errors
automatic correction of errors in the model without distorting its accuracy
visualization of 3D models
interactive operations to correct the geometry
check the three-dimensional model according to industrial quality standards
merging of the surface model in the solid state
export the correct three-dimensional model in any format.
The process of model corrections can be made both in automatic and manual mode. Allows to work with CAD-models of any complexity. Restoring the model has always performed within its specified accuracy, unregulated change models are not allowed.
Different geometrical and topological errors in the model - are the main obstacles to the transmission of data. For this reason, become impossible to continue such complex operations as the creation of equidistant surfaces, scaling, or Boolean operations. 3DTransVidia offers a universal solution to remedy the imported CAD-model and its further export into various formats for CAD / CAE / CAM - systems to ensure the quality of the model.

At the opening of «kosyachnyh» file can be manual or automatic mode to see and correct the many geometric problems - ranging from the inverted normal in some areas of surfaces and finishing «sewing» stations, between which a crack was formed. The site is listed, perhaps hundreds of issues, which solves 3DTransVidia. Of course, sometimes, some problems can be overcome built-in CAD-systems (for example, the same «stitching» surfaces), but what if the header file is written correctly? In this case, your CAD can not simply open a file. 3DTransVidia successfully copes with this task. Program can be used as a viewer and converter CAD-files.

Supports the following formats:

CATIA V4 (. Model,. Exp)
CATIA V5 (. CATPart, CATProduct) up to R18
Unigraphics (. Prt)
Pro / E
CADDS (explicit model)
IGES 5.x - 6.x

CATIA V4 (. Model,. Exp)
CATIA V5 (. CATPart, CATProduct) up to R18
IGES 5.x - 6.x

Control accuracy

User can specify the accuracy of the model with the broadcast, choosing among the following options:
accuracy of the file
supposed accuracy (calculated on the model)
User accuracy (the value set by the user)

Auto mode corrigendum

In the course of reading the file automatically 3DTransVidia fixes over 60 bugs developers explicitly formalized in geometric s and conflicts in the topology.

Diagnosis and classification of errors

3DTransVidia automatically classifies the types of errors that could not be corrected automatically. Mistakes formalized, combined by category and describe the specific parameters.

The manual mode corrigendum

If there is an ambiguity in the process of automatic correction model, there is a danger of making the algorithm unregulated fixes or could not be automatically corrected itself. In this case, the user determines the best way to solve, using the built in tools of geometric modeling. 3DTransVidia offers the best path for manual corrections to the tree problem, which shows all the errors in the model. In allocating the error location problem is highlighted in the right pane (in the field of spatial mapping model), a different color, but when you double-click it to close the screen to the user. After the manual corrections, this error disappears from the tree problems.
In the process of manual fixes you are working with the local area around the defect. What does not require a lot of system resources to process the entire model or a complex assembly.

Quality 3D Models

In a medium 3DTransVidia the user can check the quality of 3D models according to the requirements of the standards group SASIG (VDA 4955, AIAG D-15, GALIA, ODETTE, JAMA). There can also be created by their own standards for companies, groups, etc.

Checking the quality of 3D models can be made as to the entire model and its parts. Prior to export 3D models from 3DTransVidia you can check the adequacy of the model quality requirements of relevant CAD / CAE / CAM system, in which the model is exported (CATIA, Pro / E, UG, IDEAS, SolidWorks, and others).
If the environment 3DTransVidia on a model produced any manipulation, the user can check the quality of the dynamic mode, ie passing changes.

Static and dynamic verification

After checking the quality of 3D models, you can generate detailed XML report using the terminology of group SASIG to determine the primitives and 3D model of the classification error.

OS: WinAll
Language: English